#1: Memorial Park

ImageI’m not quite sure I understand why I love Memorial Park so much.  Perhaps it’s because of the ridiculous views of the St. John’s River.  Or maybe it’s because of the incredibly gaudy angel statute in the middle of the park (fun little factoid about the statute below).  Or maybe it’s because I live next door to it and therefore don’t have to walk too far to access beautiful greenery.

But whatever it is, Jacksonville’s incredibly blessed to have such a cool park.  I try to head out there at least two or three times a week.  Most days, I can find a good number of people fishing, playing with their kids, or playing frisbee.  On the occasional Saturday, I see a wedding out there and think it’s pretty awesome that there is this amazing wedding venue in this public park. Image

As promised — the fun fact about the statute in the middle of the park: It’s called “Life” and it was designed by Charles Adrian Pillars. Mr. Pillars was a First Coast resident for more than 25 years (or so says the ever reliable Wikipedia) and he’s also responsible for the two works of art from Florida at the National Statuary Hall in Washington, D.C. So, not only did I learn about Mr. Pillars but I also learned there is a National Statutary Hall (will need to check that out the next time I’m in DC).

If you haven’t checked out Memorial Park, you’re missing one of Jacksonville’s true gems.  I recommend it — although if you go and you see someone horrendous at tossing a frisbee, please don’t judge me 🙂