#3: Midnight Fishing

ImageJacksonville sure loves its fishing – and it’s not surprising to see why. We’re surrounded by so much water and access to incredibly fresh fish (although, it’s a bit unclear whether the fish in the St. Johns river is actually healthy to eat.  Fortunately for me, I can never catch anything, so I don’t need to worry about this problem!).  But, Jacksonville is unique because this city is filled with residents who love to fish at midnight.

Since I’m a fishing novice, I did some research and it appears that fishing at night is pretty good since more fish are out.  Then again, since the entire city of Jacksonville appears to be out fishing at night, it’s unclear why these fish think its safe to swim around.  Nonetheless, it’s pretty cool to see the river walk along the St. Johns crowded at night with amateur fishermen.


The next time you’re out at night in Jacksonville, look for the fishermen.  They’re hard to miss.  And remember that not every city has a river running through it, filled with fishes.  Nor does every city have a cool friendly fishermen vibe.

And, if you see an abandoned fishing pole like the one on the right, take your hand at fishing — you surely cannot do any worse than I do on a typical night 🙂