#6: Impromptu Wynton Marsalis Concerts at the Parlour!

ImageAfter a long summer hiatus studying for the bar exam, I’m back and ready to explore more of all the things I love about Jacksonville!  Last night reminded me all of the reasons that I love this city so much.

Last night, the wife and I decided to have dinner with some friends before they left for greener pastures in New York City.  These friends, being much more cultured and hip than we are, had caught wind that Wynton Marsalis would be performing an impromptu, unannounced performance at Parlour, Jacksonville’s best (only?) speak-easy.  Now, I could do a whole blog post about Parlour, and I probably will the next time I visit, but combining that venue with one of Jazz’s gods is just too ridiculously cool. 

Now, for those of you that are unaccustomed to jazz (i.e., me before I franatically read everything I could find on Wynton Marsalis on Wikipedia before my phone died), this dude Wyn is a pretty big deal.  He’s won 9 grammys (including 5 in a row), has honorary degrees from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, won the Pultizer prize, etc., etc., etc.  He’s basically won life. 

Apparently, we weren’t the only brilliant people who decided to check out a jazz god at a 40 person venue.  Fortunately, our friend had made reservations and we were able to get in just as he started his set.  I’m not sure what exactly Heaven is, but I’m pretty sure this is pretty close.  All around fantastic night with a real luminary.  Good stuff, Jax!